Echo The UPS guy who delivers to my building is named Angel, and he is full of warmth and friendliness; those qualities in his voice have inspired me to create my own story about him…Italian from Brooklyn, whose mom thought he was so adorable that she named him Angel....
Besties for Life I met Octavia when we were little kids. Our parents had joined forces to start a support group for parents with visually impaired children, and Octavia and I were always the oldest two kids at the meetings. So we joined forces too. Octavia was a year...
“I know there is a God, and that He hates the injustice of slavery.” ~ Abraham Lincoln “If we have the courage and tenacity of our forebears, who stood firmly like a rock against the lash of slavery, we shall find a way to do for our day what they did for theirs.” ~...
There are many days I think life is hard. I look up from the bottom of the perceived mountain I must climb with utter dread. I consider the battles I fancy myself entrenched in, and worry. And then someone comes along who knows something about real war. Someone whose...
Last month I made back-to-back trips to Tulsa and Minneapolis, and got to have back-to-back adventures with the new trendy kid toy – slime. My seven-year-old friends Tatum (in OK) and Maisie (in MN, there she is on the pic) taught me everything I needed to know about...
I don’t watch TV much, so it was midmorning on Monday when a friend texted me about the Vegas shooting that I dusted off the remote and tuned in. Just like you, I was horrified. Broken-hearted. Wondering what on earth would prompt someone to commit such a dreadful...
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