How Tim Keller Helped Shape My Faith

How Tim Keller Helped Shape My Faith

I’ve been thinking recently about how, behind each of us, there are people who have helped shape the way we see the world. If you’re like me, some of your mentors are close by, and some have been gone for years, but still teach you through the words they left behind....
Story Matters

Story Matters

Several years ago it occurred to me that each of us is an unfolding story. We’re always being read by those around us. Not only that, but each of our stories is part of the greater, cosmic story God has been writing since the beginning of time. That’s why God’s great...
Keeping the End in Mind

Keeping the End in Mind

Do you ever get so lost in the details of your day that you don’t actually get anything accomplished? As an artist type, I have to draw up to-do lists and make mental notes of daily goals or I won’t accomplish anything. Sometimes, even when we’re working hard to get...
The Wakeup Call

The Wakeup Call

Have you ever gotten a wake-up call that permanently changed the way you think? I’ve gotten a few, but one in particular stands out to me today. I’m blind, but as some of you know, I love to joke about driving. In college, my joking led to three brave friends inviting...

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